KeriMedical webinars dedicated to hand surgery on our Youtube Channel !

A huge thank you goes to all the surgeons who kindly shared their expertise through different #Kerimedical webinars dedicated to hand surgery. See below the complete list of these sessions with YouTube link : https://bit.ly/3HDEeLl   ✔️Touch® CMCJ : latero palmar Vs dorsal approach Dr Alain TCHURUKDICHIAN and Dr Christian Couturier ✔️Touch® CMCJ using the WALANT technique Dr Gilles Candelier and Dr Olivier…

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Bochum congress kerimedical hand surgery orthopedic prosthesis thumb rhizarthrosis dual mobility cmc

49th DGPRÄC annual meeting & 23th VDÄPC annual meeting

49th DGPRÄC annual meeting & 23th VDÄPC annual meeting The 49th DGPRÄC annual meeting and the 23th VDÄPC annual meeting will take place from the 13th to the 15th of September at RuhrCongress Bochum, Germany. KeriMedical’s team will attend the event and is looking forward to meeting you ! Come and meet us on booth…

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